<![CDATA[DC Permit Solutions - Serving MD, DC, & VA - Blog]]>Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:00:53 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Revised Certificate of Occupancy Changes October 2016]]>Mon, 10 Oct 2016 19:47:50 GMThttp://dcpermitsolutions.com/blog/revised-certificate-of-occupancy-changes-october-2016
 I recently attended a meeting with Zoning that covers new policies and procedures for how C of O’s will be handled moving forward. Please take some time to review these new changes at they will affect you. As always I’m available to come in and meet with you and your team about the changes that are happening at DCRA and the surrounding jurisdictions in regards the permit process.
  • A new Special Inspections Certificate must be included upfront on all Third Party Inspection
     C Of O Applications. This is to be completed from the third party inspection company.
  • Copies of ALL Rough in and final inspections must be included with the C of O package.
  • If projects went through Green Review then please make sure the Green inspection is completed and finalized BEFORE YOU SUBMIT for the C of O.
  • To help the process move smoother make sure GC keeps receipts for Construction waste management as I’m seeing this get flagged.

January 1st 2017 is the set date for the NEW C of O application. There are several new changes relating to Green and Third Party Inspections that will apply to the new application. Currently DCRA is in the early stages of making the process online and is starting to BETA test in late October. As additional details become available I will send you updates.
Below are some other important reminders when you’re working on a Certificate of Occupancy.
C of O’s are required when:
  • Ownership Changes
  • Occupancy Load Changes
  • Use of space Changes
Each owner must obtain their own certificate of occupancy
Temp C of O’s:
Only used for temporary events such as flea market, farmers markets, or similar events
Core and Shell C of O’s:
Are required after completion of a new building to verify that the buildings plans and systems conform with the approved plans.
Conditional C of O’s :
Issued for the part of a new building before completion of the entire work covered by permit. New guidelines are posted for conditional C of O’s. For additional information on the process please visit http://dcra.dc.gov/service/get-certificate-occupancy]]>
<![CDATA[New and Important Changes to DCRA C of O process for third party inspections]]>Tue, 05 Apr 2016 22:57:02 GMThttp://dcpermitsolutions.com/blog/new-and-important-changes-to-dcra-c-of-o-process-for-third-party-inspectionsNew and Important Changes to DCRA C of O process for Third Party Inspections
DCRA had been overhauling all departments over the past year and with that comes updates to the Certificate of Occupancy Process. While the process and forms has relatively stayed the same, there is one glaring difference that is taking an extended period of time to get approved.
Lets start at the beginning of the process:

Step 1-First an application and all supporting documents must be submitted.
  • Authorization to act
  • First page and signed copy of Lease
  • Building permit
  • Copy of inspection reports
Step 2-Once accepted the DCRA staff person will send the application to the zoning technician for review. Then the zoning technician approves the application and it sent to the inspections department for clearance. It is at this point where the application process can take an extended period of time for approval. I have personally had multiple applications take several weeks for approval.

Step 3: DCRA will require an “Oversight Inspection” on any C of O where third party inspections are used. For the inspection a 2 hour window will be given, and someone affiliated with the project will be required to be on site with a set of the approved building plans and copy of the permit.

Step 4: DCRA will notify the application/agent notifying them that the C of O has been approved and is ready for Issuance. DCRA will also notify the applicant/ agent if there are any items missing from the inspections.
This C of O process has changed a few times in the last month and DCRA will continue to make adjustments until they are able to streamline the process while putting in there new required safe guards. One big issue we have seen is that if ALL inspections are not submitted with the correct floor number or suite number on the inspection reports DCRA will request that they are correct and resubmitted. This will most likely delay the scheduling of the oversight inspections, and review/ approval.

Biggest take away I want you to get from this update is to allow yourself and your team enough time in the process to get the C of O’s done. We have seen them take up to 4 weeks for approval. That is a major change from the same day C of O’s we were able to offer a couple short months ago. As always the team at DC Permit Solutions is available to come in and talk with your group about any of the important changes that are happening from the permit end to include but not limited to
  • New third party review requirements
  • What can be a walk through and what must go project docs
  • Green building review codes and changes
  • New flood zone that go into effect this fall
  • Expected turn times for your projects
<![CDATA[Projectdox will be required onĀ ALL file Jobs in DC soon!]]>Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:21:00 GMThttp://dcpermitsolutions.com/blog/projectdox-will-be-required-onall-file-jobs-in-dc-soonProjectdox has been in the roll out phase over the past year. Currently if you have any project with 25,000 square feet or larger you are required to submit through the online system. That will be changing very soon. Effective June 28, 2015 ALL FILE JOB will be required to be submitted via Projectdox. The only exception will be if the project will not require architectural seal. Here at DC Permit Solutions have done many projects through DC's online system. If you have any upcoming projects that you would like a proposal for please reach out to us. There are several tips we can offer to make your project move through the system efficiently. ]]><![CDATA[Part 4 - Projectdox]]>Mon, 06 Apr 2015 14:33:19 GMThttp://dcpermitsolutions.com/blog/part-4-projectdox Projectdox- Part 4

Over the last three blogs we have been discussing details of DCRA’s online software system called Projectdox. If you have missed any of those posts check them out on our blog web page at www.dcpermitsolutions.com. By this point you should have an over view on the system how to start a project, system requirements and how to upload and submit a file. So what happens next? Once a file is submitted through Projectdoxs it goes through a preliminary prescreen review. During this review the reviewer verifies all documents are properly submitted. After the review a project is approved, rejected or canceled. If the project gets rejected and email will be sent to the applicant along with a list of requirements that need to be fixed in order to move the project forward. The applicant will have 30 days to complete the resubmittal of required documentation and upload them to the system. In order to resubmit a drawing online you will need to resubmit the corrected file with the exact SAME FILE NAME as the original submission. If you upload a corrected drawing with the different file name it will be rejected and must be done again. While you are going through the process with projectdox you can email the DCRA staff at anytime in the system. From the project list screen there is an email icon that will allow the applicant to contact the plan review coordinators and the plan reviewers. You can also send general questions to epans.dcra@dc.gov.

Throughout the process the applicant can follow the progress online progress of their project through DCRA online Building Permit Application Tracking program.  In order to access the program go to DCRA.DC.GOV click the permit status icon. You will need to enter either the permit number or the property address. The system displays the status of each review that has been completed with any comments from each reviewer. When your project has gone through all the appropriate reviews and it has been approved the applicant will receive an email indicating it is approved and the permit is ready to be picked up.

Once your project is approved and is ready to be picked up you must come to the DCRA office in person to obtain the official permit. The DCRA permit center is at 1100 4th ST SW DC on the 2nd floor. You will be required to pay all remaining permit fees. Once the fees are paid the permit will be issued and the approved drawings and supporting documents move to the approved documents folder online.

Projectdox has created quite a bit more work and responsibility pushed onto the client in order to submit your files. Even though it should help cut down on the time frame for having approvals done and eliminate communication problems since everyone has access to the same date it is very time consuming. The team at DC Permit Solutions has submitted several applications through projectdox. If you have a deal that is required to go this route we highly recommend you use an experience permit expeditor and DO NOT attempt to do it on your own. Understanding the finite details of the systems is extremely important. Trying to do it on your own or working with a inexperience person could cost you a lot of time and your guaranteed to have headaches along the way. Since the process has put more responsibility on the client pricing for from a permit expeditors end must be taken into account. On average we are seeing it take anywhere from an additional 2-5 hours of work upfront in preparation to submit a file and 5-10 hours over the entire process.  Our company offers a free proposal and consultation for any large project coming up. We are available to come in and meet with your team upfront to discuss the process, fees and cost you will be required to pay to DCRA along with the time frame and issues that may arise.


We hope you have found this over view of Projectdox to be helpful in having a broad overview of the process. If you are looking for additional details DCRA has a 52 page booklet available online that you can access at DCRA.GOV.

<![CDATA[Projectdox part-3 Technical Nitti Gritty]]>Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:08:02 GMThttp://dcpermitsolutions.com/blog/projectdoc-part-3-technical-nitti-gritty This is the third part of a four part blog exploring the ins and outs of DCRA’s online system called Projectdox. If you have missed the first two of this series make sure to check them out on our website blog page at www.dcpermitsolutions.com . Last week we covered the basics on how project docs works and the requirements for documents you need to have ready to start submitting online. This week we will be covering the details so let’s gets started. Once you have been invited to use projectdoxs and have a password and account set up along with the proper software requirements and the documents to submit electronically you will need to upload them to the online system.

When you are able to login to the system you will see two tabs. One is for plans the other is supporting documents. The plans tab is where the plans are uploaded, while the supporting docs tab is where you will upload the application, inserts, energy codes, and any other project related information. When you are uploading the documents the file must match the page name of the submitted drawing. The first Character must start with the Discipline Header followed by the Sheet Number and a Brief Description of the information depicted on the individual sheet. Failure to properly label your file will result in rejection of your project during the pre-screening phase and will delay the review until you redo it and name it properly. This step is VERY IMPORTANT. Each Discipline Header has an appropriate letter that you will use to set label.

Naming Documents

1. ProjectDox files must match the page name of the submitted drawings. The first character must start with the Discipline Initial followed by the Sheet Number. (See chart below) i) Example filename: A0002-SecondLevel.PDF  Discipline – First character must represent the discipline area. Example: A for Architectural, S for Structural. The table at right details all required Discipline characters. Ensure that all plans are submitted under the correct discipline. Sheet Number – Must be 4digit numbers with leading zeroes. If subsets are needed, place the decimals after the 4thdigit. Ex: P0001_99. Use the "_" to separate the numbers. Do not use periods in the filename except to denote file type (PDF, DWG etc.)

2. Use alphanumeric symbols only. Non-alphabetical and non-numerical characters, including but not limited to, the below cannot be used: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { [ } ] \ | = + : ; “ ‘ < , > ? / ~ `

3. File names MUST NOT EXCEED 70 characters in length.

4. Please note: Improperly named files may result in the file being rejected and sent back for proper renaming. Upload Folder Standards – MUST BE COMPLETED IN ONE SESSION.  All documentation (any non-drawing files like Plats and Approvals) must be uploaded into the SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS folder for each project.  All plans/drawings must be uploaded to the DRAWINGS folder for each project. Resubmitted Drawings must always be re-submitted with the exact SAME FILE NAME as the original submissions.  Below are examples

Architectural A 0000-9999 A0010

Structural S 0000-9999 S0002

Zoning Z 0000-9999 Z0001_99

Electrical E 0000-9999

Fire Protection F 0000-9999

Mechanical M 0000-9999

Plumbing P 0000-9999

DDOT DDOT 0000-9999

DOH DOH 0000-9999

DDOE DDOE 0000-9999

HPRB H 0000-9999

WASA W 0000-9999

NPCP N 0000-9999

WMATA WM 0000-9999

CFA C 0000-9999

China Town CT 0000-9999

White House WH 0000-9999

Civic CI 0000-9999

EISF E 0000-9999

Elevator ELV 0000-9999


  Once all the plans have been successfully uploaded (for which you should see an image of the uploaded sheets) you will need to click the “workflow” portal tab. This will bring up a task for you to complete. Once completed, simply click the button to send it to DCRA for pre-screening review.

Pre-Screening is a task that the staff at DCRA must complete before the plans can be assigned to a project reviewer. If there is anything missing the “Pre-Screener” will reject it , and send it back to the applicant for completion. After the plans are uploaded and are sent to the review the applicant can no longer upload plans or supporting docs.

Make sure to watch out next week when we wrap up the process and how to get your permit in hand. If you have an upcoming project in the DC area that you would like a free proposal for you can contact contact Jason at Jason@DCpermitsolutions.com .




<![CDATA[PART 2 Projectdox -Basic User Guide]]>Fri, 13 Feb 2015 13:33:08 GMThttp://dcpermitsolutions.com/blog/part-2-projectdox-basic-user-guide Project Dox – Basic user guide

Last week we started to take a look at DCRA new online system Projectdox giving you an over view of what it is and if you need to use it. This week we will be discussing more technical issues regarding the system.  In order to use Project Dox you must be invited use the system. When an application receives a project dox invitation email it will contain a temporary password and log in. The applicant must change the temporary password to a permanent one. The applicant is only allowed to view projects with their identity to it. The system also has safeguards set up in it so that a client cannot either accidently or on purpose delete, add or change anything during the review process that would adversely affect the file. The client will be notified via email from projectdox when the review process requires their attention.

In order to use projectdox you must have an internet explorer version 8 and 9 or IE10 following the support bulletin running on a windows operating system. A browser is all that is required, but projectdox does have pop-ups. If you are having any issues accessing it make sure you have the pop ups disabled. If your pop-ups are disabled and you are still having issues try turning off the UAC from the control panel.  You will also be required to install ActiveX Controls onto your system if you don’t already have it. In order to property view and perform all the necessary task in projectdox ActiveX Controls is necessity.

Projectdox is a safe and secure web application. It uses the same web browser security deployed by online banking sites. When combined with network and application security best practices, projectdox eplan technology will provide a secure collaboration environment between customer and DCRA.

There are a few things to keep in mind as you are gathering your plans to submit to DCRA project docs. First it is important that a 5 x 5 area MUST be reserved on the TOP RIGHT corner of ALL drawings for DCRA approval and stamps. If this is not done they will be rejected and you will need to start over so it’s best to take the time to do it right the first time. Secondly each page of the drawings you will be submitting must be in a single file. Multiple page drawing for submitting will be rejected. DCRA will only accept multiple page files for supporting documents. Only searchable PDF files are accepted for calculation, reports and other supporting documentation. If drawings are electrical, mechanical or plumbing/gas confirm that only trade lines are dark by changing the background to grayscale prior to saving as a vector pdf file. Files must also be monochrome with white background print- ready.

Now that you have all your files ready to upload your one step closer to submitting through projectdoxs. Next week we will take a closer look at how to upload your documents naming documents, tips and tricks to using the system, discipline headers, sheet numbers and submitting your file.

If you have an upcoming project that you would like a free proposal for please give our team at DC Permit Solutions a call.

<![CDATA[ProjectsDox- What is it and do you need to use it for your next project? Part 1 of a 4 part Series]]>Tue, 10 Feb 2015 19:02:22 GMThttp://dcpermitsolutions.com/blog/projectsdox-what-is-it-and-do-you-need-to-use-it-for-your-next-project-part-1-of-a-4-part-series

Projectdox has had a lot of buzz around DCRA for the past year and has created some confusion along the way.  This next series of blogs will help you understand what it is, how it works, what is required and the rules to see if it applies to your next project.  Projectdox is DCRA’s web-based electronic plan and document system that lets government personnel review plan submissions and approve them online rather than manual paper. Several agencies including Building, Planning, Zoning, Fire, Environmental, Transportation and other agencies have access to Projectdox and can review the projects parallel rather than sequential.

So how does it work? Projectdox works with permitting software to help automate the plan review process. When a customer (we hope you will choose DC Permit Solutions to help you complete your next project) submits an application in person at DCRA for construction or land use permit that is large enough to require it go through projectdox the application email address will be used to  “invite” the client to a “project”. Once you have been invited to a project you will be able to upload supporting documents required for DCRA to start the review process. DCRA will be able to review all the documents online using a workflow chart to start marking up and making comments. Required changes will be noted on the files and then communicated to the applicant. Once revisions are made they are submitted back to the original file through projectdox for DCRA to review. The cycle will continue until all the regulatory requirements are met and it receives final approval for the plans and the permit.

I bet your wondering if you are required to use this new system. The answer is maybe. Projectdox has been in place since last year and can be used on any deal. DCRA has been slowing implementing it since July 1, 2014 on large scale projects. Currently, if you have a project that is 50,000 sq feet or larger you will be required to use projectdox. That new standard went in to effect on January 1, 2015. The next big deadline date for projectdox is April 1, 2015 when all projects greater than 25,000 sq feet will require you to use the online system. Other than the requirement from DCRA there are additional benefits to use the system. First it will help you cut down on cost to have multiple copies printed for your project and to have it delivered to various destinations. This helps support DC with their Green sustainable living vision to be more environmental friendly. It will create better and faster communication between the customers and the agency reviewers.  You will be able to access the comments for the files online at anytime. There is also an electronic log of all activity holding greater accountability to all parties.  Over time as everyone gets use to the system it should create a faster workflow and better communication. Finally, the electronic files are readily available to emergency first responder’s at local, state and federal agencies should the need arise to access them quickly.

DC Permit Solutions has been involved in several large projects using the new Projectdox system. In our opinion the system has had some pretty serious bumps along the way with implementation. As with any new system training is a difficult to task for a large agency. We have seen some improvement over the past couple months and DCRA is committed to improving the system and training users how to use it effectively. In our opinion if you are not required to use projectdox for your project then do not submit them online. Even though it is presented that it will cut down on cost not requiring paper copies some agencies you may need to go through do not use the system. Currently Historic Preservation, Commission of Fine Arts, Department of the Environment, DC Water and the Department of Health all require hard copies on top of the electronic ones you are required to submit.  The team at DC Permits attended training last week on project dox and will continue to go to additional training being offered to stay on top of the latest changes to the system.


Here is a breakdown of the upcoming blog schedule in regards to projectdox.

Part 2-  Basics on Projectdox how to access the system, what computer technology do you need, is it a secure web application, what approval stamps are required, acceptable files, and some of the issues we have seen with the system.

Part 3- Technical nitty gritty for using Projectdox-  uploading docs, naming documents, tips and tricks to using the system, discipline headers, sheet numbers,  submitting the file.

Part 4- Project rejected what you need to do, resubmitting online, how to track your progress, what to do when it’s approved, how to contact DCRA with issues.

If you have an upcoming project that you would like to discuss with our team please give us a call and we can walk you through the details. Our goal at DC Permits is to help our clients navigate the complex process of building in DC. We have years of experience and relationships with reviews and staff at DCRA to ensure your next project is approved as quick and smooth as possible.


<![CDATA[FREE Permit Consultation for your next project!!!]]>Mon, 02 Feb 2015 15:07:00 GMThttp://dcpermitsolutions.com/blog/free-permit-consultation-for-your-next-project Free Permit Consultation for your next Project?

Who says there is nothing truly for free? Well here at DC Permits Solutions we believe firmly that customer service and going the extra mile for our clients is what makes us unique. One of the major things that sets us apart from our competition is our FREE, yes FREE consulting for your next upcoming project. During this consultation you can expect the following from our experienced team.

  • Permits required to approve your next project

  • Expected timeline to get your project approved

  • Estimate for Permit fees that will be required to help you budget

  • Red flags that we are able to identify upfront that may delay your project

  • If your deal will be required to undergo a green building review

  • Will you be required to submit via projectdox and what will be needed to accomplish that

  • Are Historical reviews required

We have found over the years that helping our clients in the very early stages of development can help eliminate head aches and additional cost’s along the way. The only thing we ask for in return for free consultation is the opportunity to earn your business and compete for the deal to be your permit expeditor. We are that confident in our services that we are willing to give away hundreds of dollars in free consulting to earn the right to ask for your business. In the end if you find another company you prefer to work with than you lose nothing and still have valuable information to help make your project a success. If you are already working with our company than you know how important this information can be so don’t be shy in asking for our help that’s what we do. If you have someone who you think could benefit from our services please pass along our information. Your referrals are how we are able to continue to bring you superior service and keep out time and attention focused at DCRA.  

Did you know DC Permit Solutions also offering the following?

  • C of O – Same day turn around available

  • Demo permits

  • Permitting Services for the whole metro area NOT JUST DC ( Even though that’s our specialty)

  • Trade permits

  • Residential and Commercial Permitting

If you send us a referral make sure to have them let us know so we can send you a very special THANK YOU!!

<![CDATA[NEW Energy Verification Sheets go in effect Feb 1, 2015 at DCRA are you ready]]>Wed, 14 Jan 2015 17:33:23 GMThttp://dcpermitsolutions.com/blog/new-energy-verification-sheets-go-in-effect-feb-1-2015-at-dcra-are-you-ready New Energy Verification Sheets go into effect at DCRA Feb 1, 2015 are you ready?

DCRA has been making many changes in the past year. With the implementation of the 2013 DC Energy Conservation code one new change is the Energy Verification Sheet. This form will be required on the majority of projects being submitted after February 1, 2015. The new form is intended to provide a transparent and consistent way to communicate between the designer, code reviewer, and inspector. The Energy Verification Sheet are not required on every project.  The following projects are required to have a new form submitted.

Residential projects (use the Low-Rise Residential Sheet) that are:

•Level 3 Alteration

•New Construction


 Commercial projects (use the EVS that matches the design condition) that are:

•Level 2 Alteration

•Level 3 Alteration

•New Construction


While Energy Verification Sheets are not required on other Alteration types, DCRA recommends use of the sheets even for smaller projects. By using this form it is expected that it will reduce permit reviewer questions speeding up the process. However, with any new change it will take all parties a while to get up and running effectively. DCRA is offering training to help get you up to speed on the forms.

Next Date:

February 11, 2015 10:00am -11:00am

Location: 1100 4th Street, SW., Washington, DC. 20024.

Building: Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA).

Room: E200.


To find the new forms go to www.dcra.gov   its located under Green Buildings on their Documents and Publications Pages. A total of 6 different forms are listed. Be sure to download and use the appropriate form for your project.

<![CDATA[Free New Classes held at DCRA start TONIGHT!]]>Thu, 08 Jan 2015 13:00:48 GMThttp://dcpermitsolutions.com/blog/free-new-classes-held-at-dcra-start-tonight

Is part of your New Year’s Resolution to reevaluate aspects of your Business that need attention? Are you considering opening a new business in DC? Confused about the best legal structure for your new company? Worried about the financial management of running a business? Did you know that DCRA offers lots of free classes to help your business grow? Below is a list of classes being offered by DCRA in January 2015 to help you in many aspects of business? Best part of it is its FREE!!

SBRC has free workshops for January 2015 :

1. Money Smart for Small Business: Financial Management and Credit Reporting

Date: Thursday, January 8, 2015    Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Location: 1100 4th Street SW, 4th Floor (E-4302), Washington, D.C. 20024

To register: http://goo.gl/zb6r6H


2. Selecting the Most Suitable Legal Structure for Your Business – Should You Incorporate?

Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2015         Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Location: 1100 4th Street SW, 4th Floor (E-4302), Washington, D.C. 20024

To register: http://goo.gl/Bh370N


3. Regulatory Process of How to Open a Small Business in DC

Date: Wednesday, January 21, 2015        Time: 9:00 am – 10:30 am

Location: 1100 4th Street SW, 2nd Floor (E-200), Washington, D.C. 20024

To register: http://goo.gl/LqvMBH


4. Money Smart for Small Business Banking Services and Insurance

Date: Thursday, January 22, 2015 Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Location: 1100 4th Street SW, 4th Floor (E-4302), Washington, D.C. 20024

To register: http://goo.gl/zvX6an


5. SBRC’s Navigating through Business Licensing and Corporations Process

Date: Monday through Thursday Time: By Appointment – between 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Location: 1100 4th Street SW, 2nd Floor (E-268), Washington, D.C. 20024 To register: http://bizdc.ecenterdirect.com
