This is the third part of a four part blog exploring the ins and outs of DCRA’s online system called Projectdox. If you have missed the first two of this series make sure to check them out on our website blog page at . Last week we covered the basics on how project docs works and the requirements for documents you need to have ready to start submitting online. This week we will be covering the details so let’s gets started. Once you have been invited to use projectdoxs and have a password and account set up along with the proper software requirements and the documents to submit electronically you will need to upload them to the online system.
When you are able to login to the system you will see two tabs. One is for plans the other is supporting documents. The plans tab is where the plans are uploaded, while the supporting docs tab is where you will upload the application, inserts, energy codes, and any other project related information. When you are uploading the documents the file must match the page name of the submitted drawing. The first Character must start with the Discipline Header followed by the Sheet Number and a Brief Description of the information depicted on the individual sheet. Failure to properly label your file will result in rejection of your project during the pre-screening phase and will delay the review until you redo it and name it properly. This step is VERY IMPORTANT. Each Discipline Header has an appropriate letter that you will use to set label.
Naming Documents
1. ProjectDox files must match the page name of the submitted drawings. The first character must start with the Discipline Initial followed by the Sheet Number. (See chart below) i) Example filename: A0002-SecondLevel.PDF Discipline – First character must represent the discipline area. Example: A for Architectural, S for Structural. The table at right details all required Discipline characters. Ensure that all plans are submitted under the correct discipline. Sheet Number – Must be 4digit numbers with leading zeroes. If subsets are needed, place the decimals after the 4thdigit. Ex: P0001_99. Use the "_" to separate the numbers. Do not use periods in the filename except to denote file type (PDF, DWG etc.)
2. Use alphanumeric symbols only. Non-alphabetical and non-numerical characters, including but not limited to, the below cannot be used: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { [ } ] \ | = + : ; “ ‘ < , > ? / ~ `
3. File names MUST NOT EXCEED 70 characters in length.
4. Please note: Improperly named files may result in the file being rejected and sent back for proper renaming. Upload Folder Standards – MUST BE COMPLETED IN ONE SESSION. All documentation (any non-drawing files like Plats and Approvals) must be uploaded into the SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS folder for each project. All plans/drawings must be uploaded to the DRAWINGS folder for each project. Resubmitted Drawings must always be re-submitted with the exact SAME FILE NAME as the original submissions. Below are examples
Architectural A 0000-9999 A0010
Structural S 0000-9999 S0002
Zoning Z 0000-9999 Z0001_99
Electrical E 0000-9999
Fire Protection F 0000-9999
Mechanical M 0000-9999
Plumbing P 0000-9999
DDOT DDOT 0000-9999
DOH DOH 0000-9999
DDOE DDOE 0000-9999
HPRB H 0000-9999
WASA W 0000-9999
NPCP N 0000-9999
WMATA WM 0000-9999
CFA C 0000-9999
China Town CT 0000-9999
White House WH 0000-9999
Civic CI 0000-9999
EISF E 0000-9999
Elevator ELV 0000-9999
Once all the plans have been successfully uploaded (for which you should see an image of the uploaded sheets) you will need to click the “workflow” portal tab. This will bring up a task for you to complete. Once completed, simply click the button to send it to DCRA for pre-screening review.
Pre-Screening is a task that the staff at DCRA must complete before the plans can be assigned to a project reviewer. If there is anything missing the “Pre-Screener” will reject it , and send it back to the applicant for completion. After the plans are uploaded and are sent to the review the applicant can no longer upload plans or supporting docs.
Make sure to watch out next week when we wrap up the process and how to get your permit in hand. If you have an upcoming project in the DC area that you would like a free proposal for you can contact contact Jason at [email protected] .
When you are able to login to the system you will see two tabs. One is for plans the other is supporting documents. The plans tab is where the plans are uploaded, while the supporting docs tab is where you will upload the application, inserts, energy codes, and any other project related information. When you are uploading the documents the file must match the page name of the submitted drawing. The first Character must start with the Discipline Header followed by the Sheet Number and a Brief Description of the information depicted on the individual sheet. Failure to properly label your file will result in rejection of your project during the pre-screening phase and will delay the review until you redo it and name it properly. This step is VERY IMPORTANT. Each Discipline Header has an appropriate letter that you will use to set label.
Naming Documents
1. ProjectDox files must match the page name of the submitted drawings. The first character must start with the Discipline Initial followed by the Sheet Number. (See chart below) i) Example filename: A0002-SecondLevel.PDF Discipline – First character must represent the discipline area. Example: A for Architectural, S for Structural. The table at right details all required Discipline characters. Ensure that all plans are submitted under the correct discipline. Sheet Number – Must be 4digit numbers with leading zeroes. If subsets are needed, place the decimals after the 4thdigit. Ex: P0001_99. Use the "_" to separate the numbers. Do not use periods in the filename except to denote file type (PDF, DWG etc.)
2. Use alphanumeric symbols only. Non-alphabetical and non-numerical characters, including but not limited to, the below cannot be used: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { [ } ] \ | = + : ; “ ‘ < , > ? / ~ `
3. File names MUST NOT EXCEED 70 characters in length.
4. Please note: Improperly named files may result in the file being rejected and sent back for proper renaming. Upload Folder Standards – MUST BE COMPLETED IN ONE SESSION. All documentation (any non-drawing files like Plats and Approvals) must be uploaded into the SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS folder for each project. All plans/drawings must be uploaded to the DRAWINGS folder for each project. Resubmitted Drawings must always be re-submitted with the exact SAME FILE NAME as the original submissions. Below are examples
Architectural A 0000-9999 A0010
Structural S 0000-9999 S0002
Zoning Z 0000-9999 Z0001_99
Electrical E 0000-9999
Fire Protection F 0000-9999
Mechanical M 0000-9999
Plumbing P 0000-9999
DDOT DDOT 0000-9999
DOH DOH 0000-9999
DDOE DDOE 0000-9999
HPRB H 0000-9999
WASA W 0000-9999
NPCP N 0000-9999
WMATA WM 0000-9999
CFA C 0000-9999
China Town CT 0000-9999
White House WH 0000-9999
Civic CI 0000-9999
EISF E 0000-9999
Elevator ELV 0000-9999
Once all the plans have been successfully uploaded (for which you should see an image of the uploaded sheets) you will need to click the “workflow” portal tab. This will bring up a task for you to complete. Once completed, simply click the button to send it to DCRA for pre-screening review.
Pre-Screening is a task that the staff at DCRA must complete before the plans can be assigned to a project reviewer. If there is anything missing the “Pre-Screener” will reject it , and send it back to the applicant for completion. After the plans are uploaded and are sent to the review the applicant can no longer upload plans or supporting docs.
Make sure to watch out next week when we wrap up the process and how to get your permit in hand. If you have an upcoming project in the DC area that you would like a free proposal for you can contact contact Jason at [email protected] .